This allows you to run docker commands as non-root-user without using sudo all the time. When you run any docker command on Linux, the docker binary will try to connect to /var/run/docker.sock. See What does sudo usermod -a -G group $USER do on Linux? for details on what this command changes on your system and what the parameters mean. Uli sudo docker ps) – the error should now have disappeared. Running groups should show you that you now belong to the docker group: $ groups In order to add it to the docker group, run sudo usermod -a -G docker $USERĪfter running that command, you need to logout and log back in to your computer (or terminate your SSH session and re-connect in case you are logged in using SSH) – else, the group change does not take effect. The issue here is that the user you’re running the command as is not a member of the docker group. sudo docker ps) will solve the issue temporarily.
You are running a command like docker ps but you get this error message: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied Solution:Īs a quick fix, running the command as root using sudo (e.g.